June 26, 2006
"This is a stand out home and is listed as a top care home in the United States. The husband and wife team has gone to great extent to provide close attention to detail in facility plan. Exceptionally well designed facility and attentive individualized care plans. A stunning patio and spacious bed rooms make this care home one of the best I've visited in the USA. This team's commitment to providing the best of care is strong."
Dennis Brown RNcBs
Provides all standard 24 hour care services, medication management, and night time assistance. Private rooms are available in a clean and comfortable atmosphere. This home also takes non-ambulatory and wheel chair clients. Dementia clients and Alzheimer's care provided, as well as diabetic diets and incontinent care. This home is frequently visited by a Registered Nurse. Transportation is provided by arrangement. Close to hospitals, shopping centers, and parks. Daily range of motion exercises provided. Individual activities provided. Birthday celebrations and family visits are encouraged.
Care Provider USA

Willie Care Home has been very helpful and a safe place for my mother who is presently 90 years old and has been at Willie Care Home for more than three years. My mother feels at home and has adjusted very well. There is dancing, music, a big screen TV and games to play and a sense of community and wellbeing for all residents.
The envionment is clean and neat and well managed and both owners and caregivers do all they can to make the assisted living residents comfortable, and cared for, with respect at all times. There is a beautiful backyard and secured patio with flowers and fish tank. There is a swing set in the patio. There is a small dog as a pet for the residents comfort.
I feel comfortable that my mother is cared for, has her meals on time and I am notified if there is any change or any issues that may need attention. When I call to pick up my mother for an outing, she is always dressed and ready. I can come and visit at any time and take my mother out for any reason. I am grateful to have found Willie Care Home.
Mary Ann Welch

Dearest Penny & Will,
Thank you so much for again giving Mother a delightful box of treats she could enjoy at Christmas. The house decorations inside and out were delightful and enjoyed by each of us in her family when we visited.
I don't say it often enough but I really appreciate the loving care you give Florence daily. Your frequent presence at the Willie Care Home, watching out for her needs only works because you are so very good at what you do. I especially appreciate how well you listen to my requests and can make changes whenever they are needed.
May you and your sons have all the blessings from God that you deserve and find joy in what you're doing, just as you're bringing joy into Mother's life and peace into mine.
Love always,
Carol Olmstead & the family

Dear William and Penny,
Thank you very much for the Christmas present you gave me. The Hawaiian Host chocolate covered macadamia nuts are so YUMMIE! I'm sharing them with Daddy and Mommy, so we're ALL enjoying them. Thank you also for providing such wonderful care for my Grandpa George!
I hope you and your family had a very merry Christmas and are having a great New Year so far. Thank you again, and I'll see you soon.
Olivia (George Hasabe's granddaughter)

(Mary Miller, Treasurer, Delta Theta Chi Sorority)
Dear Staff,
On behalf of Delta Theta Chi California Rho Chapter I would like to say thank you for helping us out in our collection of cancelled postage stamps, Campbell soup labels, pop top rings and box tops for schools.
The Sisters of Delta Theta Chi sincerely appreciate the great care you give our sister-Florence Hill.
Again thank you for your continuing support of Delta Theta Chi.
Mary Miller, Corresponding Secretary

Dear Penny and William,
Our family feels so blessed by you and your staff! The attention and caring attitude alone are beyond our expectations and we so appreciate all your efforts to take care of our father, Melvin. I pray a happy, joyful and prosperous year to you and your family. I just love the pictures you put up of Dad!

Penny, William, & family,
Happy Holidays & wishing you joy in the new year!

Hi Penny,
How are you? First of all, I would really like to thank you again for all of the care and attention you gave my mom (Mary). You made her last few months so much better and more enjoyable.
I will definitely recommend Willie Care Home to anyone searching for an assisted living facility. Of all the places Mom lived, yours was by far the best and the most home like. If anyone ever asks you for a reference, please feel free to give them my phone number.

Dearest Penny,
I really needed your help so much of the time with Mother and can't thank you enough for so many little things you did to help her stay safe and comfortable.

Hi Penny and William,
Always friends,
June 6, 2007
Thank you so very much,
January 27, 2007
Hi Penny,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.